Mini Charlotte Cake

Mini Charlotte Cake

Mini Charlotte Cake

by: Chef Intissar
No ratings yet
Prep Time 20 mins
Cook Time 5 mins
Place in fridge 2 hrs
Total Time 2 hrs 25 mins
Course Dessert
Servings 4


  • Mixer


Raspberry Mousse

  • 3 packs whipping powder
  • 2 bottles Yakult Gold
  • 2 cups Frozen Raspberry
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 2 tbs Lemon Juice
  • 1 1/2 tbs Gelatine

Charlotte base

  • Lady fingers biscuits
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 tbs Sugar
  • 1 tbs Lemon juice


  • Raspberries
  • Mint Leaves Optional
  • Whipped Cream


Raspberry Mousse

  • On a pot add sugar, lemon juice & frozen raspberry in low heat
  • Keep stirring till all ingredients combine
  • Strain the mixture to remove seeds
  • Place it back on the pan & add gelatin
  • Keep stirring till gelatin is dissolved & then set aside to cool (avoid boiling it)
  • In a separate bowl add the whipping powder and 2 bottles of Yakult gold
  • Whisk till creamy and fluffy texture
  • Gradually fold in the raspberry syrup (the raspberry syrup should be cooled completely)

Base for the Chorlotte cake

  • Chop the lady finger
  • For the syrup mixture, add 1 cup water, 1 tbs sugar and 1 tbs lemon juice then mix it toger untill sugar completly dissolved
  • Start assembling the base by dipping the lady finger in the syrum mixture and put it on your glass container
  • the add the cream mixture and top it with fresh raspberries
  • Place in fridge before serving to serve cold


Always shake your yakult bottle before use
Keyword Chef Intissar’s Recipe
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