Mini Charlotte Cake
- Mixer
Raspberry Mousse
- 3 packs whipping powder
- 2 bottles Yakult Gold
- 2 cups Frozen Raspberry
- 1/2 cup Sugar
- 2 tbs Lemon Juice
- 1 1/2 tbs Gelatine
Charlotte base
- Lady fingers biscuits
- 1 cup Water
- 1 tbs Sugar
- 1 tbs Lemon juice
- Raspberries
- Mint Leaves Optional
- Whipped Cream
Raspberry Mousse
- On a pot add sugar, lemon juice & frozen raspberry in low heat
- Keep stirring till all ingredients combine
- Strain the mixture to remove seeds
- Place it back on the pan & add gelatin
- Keep stirring till gelatin is dissolved & then set aside to cool (avoid boiling it)
- In a separate bowl add the whipping powder and 2 bottles of Yakult gold
- Whisk till creamy and fluffy texture
- Gradually fold in the raspberry syrup (the raspberry syrup should be cooled completely)
Base for the Chorlotte cake
- Chop the lady finger
- For the syrup mixture, add 1 cup water, 1 tbs sugar and 1 tbs lemon juice then mix it toger untill sugar completly dissolved
- Start assembling the base by dipping the lady finger in the syrum mixture and put it on your glass container
- the add the cream mixture and top it with fresh raspberries
- Place in fridge before serving to serve cold
Always shake your yakult bottle before use
WANT TO SUBMIT YOUR RECIPEfollow us on Instagram and message us your recipe