Educational Virtual Tour Feedback WE LOVE FEEDBACKSAnd we would like to hear some from you!Click Me! Let’s receive an official certificate by submitting the feedback Educational Virtual Tour Feedback Questions1. Please Rate the virtual factory tour from scale 1 to 10 *123456789101 is the lowest – 10 is the highest2. How was our PR team performance in virtual factory tour? *Excellent Very goodGoodPoor 3. Which part of the virtual factory tour you liked the most? *Yakult story The science behind YakultHow Yakult is made and shippedOthersyou can choose more than one answer Others, please specify in the box below *4. Overall, how can we improve this virtual factory tour? 0 / 200Certificate InformationName *Certificate NameEmail Address *We will forward your certificate to this emailSend FeedbackPlease do not fill in this field.